We want to hear from you! Here’s how to submit a...

Class notes update

Email your class correspondent! Their email addresses follow the following convention: 1999notes@alum.wellesley.edu. Just substitute in your four-year class. Davis Scholars may also write to CEDSnotes@alum.wellesley.edu.

Photo to class notes

In order to run a photo in the magazine, it must be high resolution. That is, it must be at least 300 d.p.i. at a 4-inch-by-6-inch print size. A good rule of thumb: If it takes up more than 1 MB of memory, it is probably high enough resolution. Be sure to include the names of everyone in the photo (with class years) from left to right, and the date that it was taken and the occasion. Email your photo and caption to us today at magazinephotos@wellesley.edu.

Letter to the editor

Wellesley welcomes short letters (300 words maximum) relating to articles or items that have appeared in recent issues of the magazine. Please send your remarks via email to magazine@wellesley.edu, or by postal mail at:

Wellesley magazine
106 Central St.
Wellesley, MA 02481

Book, album, film, podcast, etc.

Let us know about a recent work by a Wellesley author. To be included in the “Pages & Playlists” listing, please email Catherine Grace at cgrace@wellesley.edu. If you would like a book, album, or film to be considered for review, please send a copy to:

Catherine Grace
Wellesley Magazine
106 Central St.
Wellesley MA 02481