Nancy Agabian ’90—The Fear of Large and Small Nations (fiction), Nauset Press
Michelle Jungmin Bang ’98—Sun and Ssukgat: The Lost Art of Korean Self-Care (nonfiction), Little, Brown
Vanessa Kroll Bennett ’98 and Cara Natterson—This Is So Awkward: Modern Puberty Explained (nonfiction), Rodale Books
Diane Clarke Boykin ’90 with Leah Matthews et al.—The Game Plan: A Woman’s Guide to Becoming a Doctor and Living a Life in Medicine (nonfiction), ADJLS, LLC
Ruth Tanner Carleton ’51—Adventures of Penny and Molly (children’s book), independently published
Linda Trowbridge Carleton ’69—All God, If God There Be: A Journey through Incest into Incarnate Light (memoir), Palmetto Publishing
Miranda Casiano ’08—Healthy Eating 101: A Busy Woman’s Guide to Optimizing Macronutrient Nutrition (nonfiction), independently published
Karina Corrigan ’93 and Stephanie Hung, editors—Power and Perspective: Early Photography in China (nonfiction), Peabody Essex Museum
Christine Dare-Bryan Haughney ’95, producer—Computer Freaks (podcast), Inc.
Judy Foreman ’66—Let the More Loving One Be Me: My Journey from Trauma to Freedom (memoir), She Writes Press
Danelle Utley Forrest ’85 and Gregory Copploe—I Am Pink (fiction), Bel Air Publishing
Helen Currie Foster ’67—Ghosted: Alice MacDonald Greer Mystery Series, Book 8 (fiction), Stuart’s Creek Press
Nancy Barclay Graves ’48—I Remember (memoir), independently published
Merilee Serrill Grindle ’67—In the Shadow of Quetzalcoatl: Zelia Nuttall and the Search for Mexico’s Ancient Civilizations (nonfiction), Harvard University Press
Christina Holbrook ’83—All the Flowers of the Mountain and Table for One (fiction), Sunroom Studios
Sherry Kramer ’75—Writing for Stage and Screen: Creating a Perception Shift in the Audience (nonfiction), Bloomsbury/Methuen
Jane Austin Kyte ’61—Chasing Great Grandfather: John Henry Austin 1835–1913, Teacher, Soldier, Farmer (nonfiction), Barnes & Noble Press
Toy Lei ’88—Moon (short film), Wanderlust Films
Vivien Goodman Malloy ’54—My Life as a Longshot: From Cuba to Rye (memoir), Small Batch Books
Allison McKenzie ’91—The Unexpected Hostage (fiction), The Wild Rose Press
Mona Minkara ’09—Planes, Trains, and Canes, Season Two (television show), YouTube
Mary Elizabeth Smith Podles ’72—A Thousand Words: Reflections on Art and Christianity (nonfiction), Touchstone Books
Ashley Reichheld ’01 and Amelia Dunlop—The Four Factors of Trust: How Organizations Can Earn Lifelong Loyalty (nonfiction), Wiley
Judythe Walden Roberts ’62—Searching for Home: An Immigrant’s Journey from Ukraine to the USA (historical fiction), Austin Macauley Publishers
Laura Venecia Rodriguez ’77—Gentle Yoga After 50: Get Fit, Flexible, & Feel Fantastic! (nonfiction), Intuitive Advising and Writing LLC
Sofia Romero ’94—We Have Always Been Who We Are (short stories), Blackstone
Caroline Rose ’11—The Art of Forgetting (album), New West
Rebecca Saltzer ’84—Murder Over Broken Bonds: A Wall Street Mystery (fiction), Level Best Books
Juliette Sander ’19 —Business Emails Demystified (nonfiction), Grosvenor House Publishing
Bina Shah ’93—The Monsoon War (fiction), Delphinium Books
Elizabeth Son ’00—Embodied Reckonings: “Comfort Women,” Performance, and Transpacific Redress (nonfiction), University of Michigan Press
Ann Bennett Spence (Bian An) ’72—Come from Nowhere: A Memoir in Two Halves (memoir), Luminare Press
Sandra Sugawara ’75 and Catiana Garcia-Kilroy—Show Me the Way to Go to Home (photography), Radius Books
Elizabeth Hendry Vercoe ’62—Butterfly Effects and Other Works (album), Navona Records
Eugenia Ware ’74—That Blankie (children’s book), Genie Ware Books
Amy Yee ’96—Far from the Rooftop of the World: Travels among Tibetan Refugees on Four Continents (nonfiction), The University of North Carolina Press
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