Heide Diener Abelli ’88—You Got This! A Straightforward, No-Nonsense Playbook for Crushing 130+ Workplace Challenges (nonfiction), Palmetto Publishing
Kellie Carter Jackson, faculty—We Refuse: A Forceful History of Black Resistance (nonfiction), Seal Press
Amy Chu ’89—Carmilla Volume 2: The Last Vampire Hunter (graphic novel), Berger Books
Elizabeth Estrada Ferrer ’80—Louis Carlos Bernal: Monografía (art monograph), Aperture
Sarah Blaffer Hrdy ’68—Father Time: A Natural History of Men and Babies (nonfiction), Princeton University Press
Jalena Keane-Lee ’17—Standing Above the Clouds (documentary film), Breaktide Productions
Cynthia Yenkin Levinson ’67—Free to Learn: How Alfredo Lopez Fought for the Right to Go to School (children’s nonfiction), Atheneum
Frances Malino, faculty emerita, and Yaëlle Azagury, editors—Mazaltob: A Novel, written by Blanche Bendahan (fiction), Brandeis University Press
Lori Pavese Mazor ’95—Temperature: Creativity in the Age of AI (nonfiction), Hot Ass Press
Sohini Pillai ’12—Krishna’s Mahabharatas: Devotional Retellings of an Epic Narrative (nonfiction monograph), Oxford University Press
Cameron Russell ’11—How to Make Herself Agreeable to Everyone: A Memoir (nonfiction), Random House
Sejal Shah ’94—How to Make Your Mother Cry: Fictions (short stories), West Virginia University Press
Chloe Wigston Smith ’98—Novels, Needlework, and Empire: Material Entanglements in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World (nonfiction), Yale University Press
Emily Vardell ’05, editor—Health Literacy and Libraries (nonfiction), Rowman & Littlefield
Ismar Volic, faculty—Making Democracy Count: How Mathematics Improves Voting, Electoral Maps, and Representation (nonfiction), Princeton University Press
Shannon Ward ’12—Amdo Lullaby: An Ethnography of Childhood and Language Shift on the Tibetan Plateau (nonfiction), University of Toronto Press
Pamela Wojcik ’86—Unhomed: Cycles of Mobility and Placelessness in American Cinema (nonfiction), University of California Press
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