The annual meeting of the Wellesley College Alumnae Association convenes at 11 a.m. on Saturday, June 9, in Diana Chapman Walsh ’66 Alumnae Hall. Electing a new slate is on the agenda.
To be elected at the annual meeting of the Wellesley College Alumnae Association which will convene at 11 a.m. on Saturday, June 9, in Diana Chapman Walsh ’66 Alumnae Hall.
Dolores Arredondo ’95
Whittier, Calif.
Charlotte Hayes ’75
Washington, D.C.
Linda DuPlan Rieke ’59
Lindsey Boylan ’06
Sarah Jean Kelly ’05
Linda DuPlan Rieke ’59
Respectfully submitted,
Maneesha Patil ’78, chair
Martha Goldberg Aronson ’89
Luisa Bonillas ’94
Lindsey Boylan ’06
Maya Melczer Greenfield ’04
Sarah Jean Kelly ’05
Shivani Kuckreja ’16
Linda DuPlan Rieke ’59
Pier Rogers ’75
Desiree Urquhart CE/DS ’99
At the annual meeting, alumnae will also vote on the candidate for alumnae trustee and on a change to the bylaws. The change to the bylaws updates a committee name from External Relations Committee to Strategic Communications Committee to better reflect the purpose and work of that committee. Please visit to see the current language and proposed wording of the amendments.