Despite some big changes during the pandemic, the role of The Wellesley News hasn’t changed—to amplify student voices, serve as a record of life on campus and issues students care about, and provide practical training in journalistic writing.More
In April, Wellesley announced a plan to address the urgent challenge of climate change that will affect how the College produces and distributes energy, how the endowment is invested, and how the campus community works together to reduce energy consumption.More
On Friday, June 4, 570 members of the class of 2021 celebrated the College’s 143rd commencement. President Paula Johnson welcomed the seniors gathered on Severance Green and some 100 graduates attenging remotely from around the United States and overseas.More
Jennifer Chudy, Knafel Assistant Professor of Social Sciences and assistant professor of political science, studies American politics with an emphasis on race and ethnicity—phenomena currently at the very heart of political debate in the United States.More
Vanja Klepac-Ceraj, associate professor of biological sciences, teaches an environmental microbiology course that explores the fundamentals of the field, while giving students the chance to manipulate microbes in the lab.More
As we work to be both eco- and budget-conscious, we are piloting opt-in to print to ensure that we mail the print version of Wellesley magazine only to alumnae who wish to receive it.More