Fall 2017
Can we all think for a moment about the climate activists and environmentalists? On June 1, they watched the president of the United States announce his intention to withdraw from the Paris climate accord.More
Fall 2017
I had never seen a winter wren until yesterday, when I made the introductory tour of Hedgebrook’s woods with Barton. An excellent naturalist, he reeled off the names of trees and shrubs and mushrooms until…More
The work of artist Lorraine O’Grady ’55 is reaching a new generation of curators and artists who prize her fierce independence, penetrating intellect, and willingness to take on the art establishment.More
Summer 2017
For Jin Yoo-Kim ’04, all roads have led to film. There may have been a few tentative forays onto other career paths, but eventually the lure of the camera won out.More
Summer 2017
Jennifer Hertz Levi ’85 was a math major at Wellesley, which isn’t how many lawyers get their start. But she followed her interest in advocating for the LGBTQ community all the way to law school—and beyond.More
Summer 2017
Working in Boston in the early 1960s, Nancy Hattox Fohl ’59 rarely passed by Goodspeed’s Book Shop without going inside. She and her husband, Tim, were attracted to an exquisite illuminated manuscript leaf, which they…More
Summer 2017
Kendra Tanacea ’88, is a poet and full-time practicing trial lawyer, After Garrison Keillor recently featured two of her poems on his Writer’s Almanac show, she laughingly said, “I should be a playwright—it was such a thrill to hear it.”More
Summer 2017
When she was 26, Kate McCahill ’06 took to the open road, spending a year exploring South America solo. She tells her story in Patagonian Road .More
Summer 2017
The renovation of Pendleton West and the addition of a music pavilion provides spaces where students can create works of art and reach across disciplines.More
Summer 2017
Farhana Khera ’91, executive director of Muslim Advocates, works on behalf of her faith community in the courtroom and on Capitol Hill.More