
Math for Everyone
Winter 2016
The Wellesley Emerging Scholars Initiative (WESI) encourages persistence and helps underrepresented students complete their calculus courses.More
‘Listening’ to the Dark and Violent Universe
Winter 2016
Albert Einstein gave humanity a new way of looking at the universe: his general theory of relativity. It suggested a way of listening to the universe as well: gravitational waves, or “ripples in the fabric of space-time.” Nergis Mavalvala ’90 is one of the people who is listening.More
Get with the Programming
Winter 2016
Wellesley students are flocking to the computer science department, drawn in by the friendly faculty, innovative labs, and the promise of making a difference in the world through tech.More
College Road
Fall 2015
The Newhouse Center for the Humanities kicked off its 2015 Distinguished Thinkers series with a reading by Amitav Ghosh, whose new novel, Flood of Fire , concludes a trilogy about British colonialism and the birth of modern Asia.More
The Wellesley Effect
Fall 2015
The lives of six alumnae demonstrate the depth and breadth of the Wellesley Effect—the way four years at the College transforms students, and through their lives after graduation, helps to transform the world.More
A Fruitful Endeavor
Summer 2015
On a cool April Saturday, as cheers from Hooprolling echoed in the distance, a group of volunteers gathered for the annual spring cleanup and planting at the College’s Edible Ecosystem Garden. What was once a…More
Psych Sisters
Summer 2015
At this year’s Ruhlman Conference, people who heard Courtney Brown ’15 talk about introversion in the morning session did a double-take when they walked into the next session and saw Kelsey Brown ’15 present on frustration and motivation. Didn’t we just see that woman?More
Harold E. Andrews
Summer 2015
Harold E. Andrews, professor of geology emeritus, died on Feb. 22, 2015, at the age of 72. His Wellesley career spanned the years from 1971 until his retirement in 2006.More
The Call of Midwifery
Summer 2015
When Ruth Tumen Wilf ’52 celebrated her 70th birthday, she thought her age was “a big fat joke.” But when her 80th birthday rolled around, she wasn’t laughing anymore.More
Shaping the Sharing Economy
Summer 2015
Robin Chase ’80 changed my life in 2001. Or rather, her then early-stage startup, Zipcar, did. Suddenly this carless Bostonian could get places—to the beach, to the grocery store—that before had been difficult or impossible to reach.More