Candidates for Office in the Alumnae Association

Candidates for Office in the Alumnae Association

To be elected by the alumnae body at the annual meeting of the Wellesley College Alumnae Association on June 7 at 11:30 a.m. in Diana Chapman Walsh Alumnae Hall:

Director/Chair, Alumnae Admissions Representatives, 2015–17

Maya Melczer Greenfield ’04
San Francisco

Director, 2015–17

Janet McCaa ’64
Portland, Maine

Director, 2015–17

Pier Rogers ’75

Secretary/Treasurer, 2015–16

Ginger Horne Kent ’76

Term Renewal, Directors, 2015–17

Beth McKinnon ’72
Mari Myer ’83

Respectfully submitted,

2014–15 Nominating Committee

Yolette Garcia ’77, chair
Luisa Bonillas ’94
Beth McKinnon ’72
Mari Myer ’83
Maneesha Patil ’78
Jamie Scarborough ’87
Patience Singleton Roach ’92
Desiree Urquhart CE/DS ’99

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