
Faculty Farewells
Summer 2015
This spring, nine members of the Wellesley faculty retired, after decades of service to the College and its students. Longtime colleagues gathered in the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center for a farewell portrait. From left,…More
The New Faces of Deanship
Summer 2015
Faces both familiar and new are appearing in the ranks of Wellesley’s deans. The College has announced four appointments, including Dean of Admission and Financial Aid Joy St. John.More
From the Editor
Summer 2015
On a warm May afternoon, a large group of us gathered in Pendleton West 212 to hear Professor of Political Science Rob Paarlberg address his class on international economic policy one last time.More
College Road
Spring 2015
“Winning the Grammy Award for Best Opera was completely unexpected,” says Aaron Sheehan, a member of Wellesley’s music performance faculty. “The category was full of well-seasoned, former winners, so we definitely were the underdogs. The win is a wonderful and much deserved validation for the Boston Early Music Festival and for my own career path.”More
The Asian American Experience
Spring 2015
Assistant Professor of Psychology Stephen Chen, whose research centers on Asian American families, enabled the College to lauch the Asian American Studies minor last year.More
Living the Oxford Life
Spring 2015
Beba Cibralic ’16 reflects on her time abroad in Oxford, including the tutorial system, the drawbacks of cooking for yourself, and Blackwell’s Bookshop.More
Voices from the Home Front
Spring 2015
Their words both haunt and teach us: “Before the war, I had two brothers and no money. Now I have more money than I’ve ever had—and no brothers.” “Every home on the street has…More
College Road
Winter 2015
If you were an art major at Wellesley, you might have spent some time studying Sonia Delaunay-Terk’s Electric Prisms at the Davis. Now, Parisians are enjoying it, too.More
Pop Quiz: Language Explorer
Winter 2015
Assistant Professor of Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences Angela Carpenter CE/DS ’99 explores how language works.More
A Committed Cinephile
Winter 2015
When Flavia Laviosa was a young woman in Bari, Italy, she had a front-row seat for a golden age of artistry in Italian cinema.More