Spring 2016
Dazzlingly plotted and thematically rich, Elizabeth Percer’s second novel, All Stories Are Love Stories , opens by drawing on graffiti anonymously scrawled on the ruins of San Francisco’s Sutro baths.More
Spring 2016
Assistant Professor of Art Nikki Greene likes to think outside the classroom. Art History 316, The Body: Race and Gender in Modern and Contemporary Art, is held in a small seminar room, but it’s possible for anyone in the world to listen in by searching for #ARTH316 on Twitter.More
Spring 2016
Scholars at the Davis Museum have delved into the mystery of Portrait of Lady , an 18th-century work attributed to Sir Joshua Reynolds.More
Winter 2016
We caught up with Assistant Professor of Art Kimberly Cassibry about what’s new in antiquities and the art department, including the recently updated introductory art history course.More
Winter 2016
Peggy Levitt, professor of sociology, wrote Artifacts and Allegiances: How Museums Put the Nation and the World on Display with a broad audience in mind.More
Winter 2016
The curators of the Davis Museum had long been curious about eight rare tapestries in the collection that had been resting quietly in storage for decades. Very little was known about their condition or how they had been acquired.More
Winter 2016
It seems there was something mystical about this little dog. About his understanding, about the way his big eyes would gaze into our eyes, about his real and true friendships.More
Winter 2016
Annie Linskey ’97 was working as a press secretary on Capitol Hill when she started noticing that reporters had the better jobs. She soon left the Hill for the Baltimore Sun . Now, Annie is covering the Democrats in the 2016 presidential election for the Boston Globe .More
Winter 2016
Susan McCarty’s debut collection of stories, Anatomies, features tales that often hinge around our bodies, our desires, our needs.More