
Eclipse Chaser
Spring 2014
What you should know about Adele Wolfson is that she’s not the kind of person to fly to the Caribbean just to see the sky go dark for a few minutes.More
Biological Humility
Spring 2014
Emily Buchholtz, Gordon and Althea Lang ’26 Professor of Biological Sciences, wants to change the way we look at the tree of life.More
Show Some Personality
Spring 2014
In mythology, Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection in a pool of water, and the term “narcissism” today indicates self-love and self-centeredness.More
Trustees say No to Divestment
Spring 2014
The Board of Trustees has decided that divestment of holdings in fossil fuel companies is “not a good option for Wellesley College” ….More
Sustainability On Tap
Spring 2014
Water rates in Natick, Mass., have gone up recently. And that’s due in no small part to the efforts of Janna Zimmermann ’14.More
Instructive Art
Spring 2014
Back in 1879, the Wellesley College Calendar proudly declared that “a large and costly collection of models of plants which was prepared for, and exhibited at, the French Exposition, in 1878, by Auzoux, of Paris, has been lately imported for the College and added to the Botanical Department.”More