The class notes, according to every reader survey we’ve done, are the most read pages of the magazine. Most people say they turn to notes FIRST. That’s a lot of pressure for your class secretary! Here are some tips for giving her a hand and earning her everlasting affection.
1. Keep your contact info up-to-date.
We’d like to say we’re such ace reporters here at the magazine that we keep up with your every move, but we’re not quite that good. So if you move, change your email address, or even just your name, let the College know via or 1-800-339-5233. This will help your secretary reach out to you more easily. (Keeping your 411 current also allows you to get invites to reunions and local events, and—importantly!—receive the magazine.)
2. Don’t give in to the “I’m not Madeleine/Hillary/Wendy Wellesley” syndrome.
We hear so often that some alums don’t write in to notes (or attend Wellesley events) because they feel they haven’t achieved enough. That’s poppycock. Your classmates want to hear what you’re up to. The lessons you’ve learned in the School of Life, the laughs you’ve had along the way, the crazy adventures you’ve had raising kids or making art or volunteering—that’s all valuable and interesting to folks who are doing the same thing (or want to, or used to).
3. Ditto on the “my life is not perfect” syndrome.
You might be going through a divorce, looking for a job after getting laid off, or caring for a sick family member. You know what? So is someone else. Not everyone feels comfortable sharing, but if you do, you’ll probably learn two things: 1) There’s a huge Wellesley support network out there, eager to help and listen. 2) What you know may be helpful to someone else.
4. Everyday life provides great fodder for notes.
What book have you read that rocked your world? Are you just learning how to adult post-Wellesley and made a hash of your first dinner party? Did you spend the weekend with your Wellesley BFFs whom you haven’t seen in 25 years? Share.It.With.Your.Secretary.
5. Everyone matters.
If you haven’t seen anyone like you in the notes lately, be a trailblazer. Write in. Your presence in the notes may inspire someone else to send news. Your secretary’s contact info is at the top of your class column.
Don’t forget the deadlines.
The secretaries’ columns are due Sept. 1, Dec. 1, March 1, and May 1. Have a heart: Deluge them with news a couple weeks before that!
An occasional “how to” column on issues related to the WCAA, clubs, classes, and SIGs. If there’s a topic you’d like some tips on, drop us a line at
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