New Works

The cover image of Parenting Our Parents depicts silhouettes of elderly people supported by their caregivers. The figures are standing, using a walking, a using a wheelchair, each with a caregiver standing beside them.
Parenting Our Parents: Transforming the Challenge into a Journey of Love hones in on the life-changing experience of becoming your parents’ parent when they can no longer care for themselves.More
The cover image of Sea Sirens depicts an underwater scene of a Vietnamese-American surfer girl holding her one-eyed cat.

Meow! Surf’s Up.

Amy Chu ’89 has published her second middle-grade graphic novel, Sea Sirens , inspired by L. Frank Baum’s The Sea Fairies .More
This bright -yellow, red and blue cover shows the words "Girl Power!" exploding onto the page.
Recent publications by Wellesley authorsMore