New Works

The cover of Formidable show a photo of a group of Black and white women at a demontration, led by member of congress Bella Abzug.
In Formidable: American Women and the Fight for Equality, 1920–2020 , Elisabeth Griffith ’69 undertakes the daunting task of documenting a century of women’s activist history in the United States.More
The cover of The Insider: A Life of Virginia C. Gildersleeve features a striking black-and-white portrait of its subject as a young woman.
The Insider: A Life of Virginia C. Gildersleeve , a new biography by Nancy Woloch ’61, takes the life of a little-known, complex, and often obstreperous woman and makes it into a riveting story.More
The cover of Super Sad Black Girl features a close-up of a woman's face in a stylized painting.
Diamond Sharp ’11 knew from a pretty young age that she was going to be a writer. As a senior at Wellesley she began to write some of the poems in this debut volume, much of which deals with Sharp’s coming to terms with, and treating, her mental illness.More
Recent publications by Wellesley authorsMore