Summer 2014
Jordan Tynes calls the MakerBot Replicator 2x “the Easy-Bake Oven” of 3-D printing. And the College has three of them. Printers that crank out things instead of documents have been around for a while. But…More
Summer 2014
Pauline and Henry Durant didn’t want buildings named after them, but they never said anything about birds. So when a pair of common ravens built a nest on a Science Center fire escape, they quickly became Pauline and Henry.More
Summer 2014
Neither Dan Chiasson nor his English 120 students realized how telling their discussion would be on the morning of April 14. Chiasson, an award-winning poet and critic, looked deceptively casual—as he always does—when he entered room 126 in Founders Hall.More
Summer 2014
It’s hard to imagine anything that doesn’t capture the wide-ranging interests of Nora Mishanec ’14. “I’ve always been a dilettante,” she laughs. “I like to do everything.”More
Spring 2014
This year, as in every year at Wellesley, we engaged in discussion and debate on campus about many issues.More
Spring 2014
The passing of Gabriel H. Lovett on Dec. 22, 2013, signifies the loss of one of the most distinguished Hispanists of our time.More
Spring 2014
Anne de Coursey Clapp, one of the first American woman historians of Asian art, passed away peacefully at her home in Cambridge, Mass., on Dec. 21, 2013.More
Spring 2014
Adrienne Asch, who died on Nov. 19, 2013, taught at Wellesley for just a little more than a decade, from 1994 to 2005, but in that time, she made a profound impression on the students and faculty members who came to know her.More
Spring 2014
Emily Buchholtz, Gordon and Althea Lang ’26 Professor of Biological Sciences, wants to change the way we look at the tree of life.More
Spring 2014
In mythology, Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection in a pool of water, and the term “narcissism” today indicates self-love and self-centeredness.More