
A portrait of Nisreen Abo-Sido '18 wearing Muslim hijab.
Summer 2018
This summer, Nisreen Abo-Sido ’18 embarks on 12 months of travel to farms and gardens in Iceland, Peru, Malawi, and Italy, supported by a $30,000 Thomas J. Watson Fellowship. She will work alongside farmers, ranchers, and gardeners to learn how they manage agricultural systems that produce food while fostering the ecological interactions that sustain the land.More
The cover of Out in Blue Fields: A Year at Hokum Roack Blueberry Farm, depicts a ripening blueberry bush.
Summer 2018
Out in Blue Fields: A Year at Hokum Rock Blueberry Farm, chronicles, in photography and words, the day-to-day life of the thriving spot on Cape Cod where Janice Riley CE/DS ’00 lives, writes, and farms.More
An illustration shows a group of hands being raised, as if to say "Me, too."
Summer 2018
As potent as the #MeToo moment seems, once the media spotlight moves on, will the public desire and momentum for change falter?More
The cover image of Listen to the Land depicts a lush Southern woodland garden with green trees, orange and blue flowers, and a small stream.
Spring 2018
New books by Wellesley authorsMore
Architectural rendering of the inside of the Global Flora greenhouse.
Spring 2018
This spring, the Margaret C. Ferguson Greenhouses were taken down and a new home for Wellesley’s “laboratory under glass” began to grow: Global Flora, a soaring, C-shaped greenhouse that will expand on Ferguson’s original ideas.More
A photo of Charlotte Kiang '13 standing in the European Astronaut Centre in Germany
Spring 2018
To say that Charlotte Kiang ’13 never expected to be sitting in Mission Control at SpaceX commanding a spacecraft attached to the International Space Station would be a massive understatement. In fact, for the first…More
Marjorie Stoneman Douglas 2012, wearing her signature white hat, stands in front of a Wellesley banner.
Spring 2018
Marjory Stoneman Douglas, class of 1912, is posthumously serving as the backbone of a new national movement led by students that is breathing life into the nation’s gun control conversation. It’s a role she likely would have embraced.More
A photo shows Dorothy Jones-Davis ’98 speaking in front of a large map of the United States with the words "Nation of Makers" emblazoned across it.
Winter 2018
The maker movement includes everyone who enjoys tinkering and building, whether that means crafting a toy boat out of tinfoil or constructing a solar panel. Nation of Makers was created to support the movement, with Dorothy Jones-Davis ’98 as its founding executive director.More
An illustration depicts an old-fashioned pen morphing into a pattern of digital pages.
Winter 2018
Whether you call it digital scholarship, digital humanities, or blended learning, access to and the use of a range of technologies is changing scholarship and breaking down walls that separate academic disciplines.More
Portrait of Katie Hall '84
Winter 2018
Katie Hall ’84 spent decades working for some of the country’s top research labs, and holds 98 patents, the bulk of them focusing on wireless technology, with more pending. But after the 2016 election, Hall wanted to change focus—which led her back to Wellesley.More