

Maggie Baker ’73, contributor—A Knock at the Door, Annex Arts

Georgia Brady Barnhill ’66Gems of Art on Paper: Illustrated American Fiction and Poetry, 1785–1885, University of Massachusetts Press

Barbara Clark Boches ’77Which Will Change the Other More? Finishing Line Press

Betsy Heller Cohen ’76Welcome to the U.S.A.—You’re Hired! A Guide for Foreign-Born People Seeking Jobs, Constead Press

Elena Harap Dodd ’59, editor and contributor—Metaphors Are Not Enough: Poetry and Prose by the Streetfeet Women, Lulu

Dorothy Lam Frey ’99, contributor—Open Heart Chicago,
Blue Heron Books

Hillary Jordan ’84 and Cheryl Lu-Lien Tan, editors—Anonymous Sex, Scribner

Terry Horvitz Kovel ’50 and Kim Kovel ’75Kovels’ Antiques & Collectibles Price Guide 2022, Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers

Michele Kriegman ’85Rock Memoir and From a Desert City by the Sea (Books 1 and 2 of the Birth-Fathers’ Club Series),
Reunion Land Press

Audrey Selian Matian ’96 and David Cooperrider, editors—The Business of Building a Better World: The Leadership Revolution That Is Changing Everything, Berrett-Koehler Publishers

Erich Hatala Matthes, faculty—Drawing the Line: What to Do with the Work of Immoral Artists from Museums to the Movies, Oxford University Press

Joy Imboden Overstreet ’62The Cherry Pie Paradox: The Surprising Path to Diet Freedom and Lasting Weight Loss, Luminare Press

Sohini Pillai ’12 and Nell Shapiro Hawley, editors—Many Mahābhāratas, State University of New York Press

Marcia Saunders Scheiner ’80 and Joan Bogden—The Neurodivergent Job Candidate: Recruiting Autistic Professionals, Routledge

Cathy Song ’77All the Love in the World, Bamboo Ridge Press

Julia Stern ’81Bette Davis Black and White, University of Chicago Press

Natali Valdez, faculty—Weighing the Future: Race, Science, and Pregnancy Trials in the Postgenomic Era, University of California Press

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